Invited Speakers



Hui Cao
Yale University, U.S.A.
Controlling spatial coherence and temporal dynamics of complex lasers

Hui Cao


Rajarshi Roy
University of Maryland, U.S.A.
Optoelectronic Oscillators and Networks

Rajarshi Roy





Dimitri Syvridis
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Photonic Physical Unclonable Functions  for Authentication, True Random Number Generation  and Cryptographic Key Generation on Demand

Dimitry Sivrydis


Alfred de Rossi
Thales Research and Technology, France
Harmonic Photonic Potential: a design concept for miniaturized laser sources

Alfred de Rossi


Benedikt Schwarz
TU Wien, Austria
 Self mode-locking and FM combs: An example of Huygens' "Odd kind of sympathy"

Benedikt Schwarz


Ortwin Hess
Imperial College, United Kingdom
Spatio-Temporal Dynamics and Control of Multi-Mode Semiconductor Lasers
 Ortwin Hess


Richard Schatz
KTH, Sweden
Influence of weak side modes on the modulation and noise of semiconductor lasers


Mariangela Gioannini
Polito di Torino, Italy
Modelling self-generation of optical frequency combs in quantum dot lasers



Sze Chun Chan
City University of Hong-Kong, Hong-Kong
title to be defined

Sze Chun Chan


Martin Hoffmann
Ruhr-Universitat Bochum (Germany)
Ultrafast spin-VCSELs



Oliver Graydon
Editor-in-chief, Nature Photonics
The art of writing a good paper and advice on publishing in Nature journals



Gian Luca LIPPI
Institut de Physique de Nice, France
Threshold dynamics in small lasers : modelling issues, experimental observations and dynamical laser classes


University of New Mexico, USA
Digital pulse modulation of strongly injection-locked whistle-geometry ring lasers
Jérôme Faist
Quantum cascade laser frequency comb: control of the phases and dual comb applications. 


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