Invited SpeakersKEYNOTE SPEAKERS Hui Cao Yale University, U.S.A. Controlling spatial coherence and temporal dynamics of complex lasers Rajarshi Roy University of Maryland, U.S.A.Optoelectronic Oscillators and Networks
Dimitri Syvridis
Alfred de Rossi Benedikt Schwarz TU Wien, Austria Self mode-locking and FM combs: An example of Huygens' "Odd kind of sympathy" Ortwin Hess Imperial College, United Kingdom Spatio-Temporal Dynamics and Control of Multi-Mode Semiconductor Lasers Richard Schatz KTH, Sweden Influence of weak side modes on the modulation and noise of semiconductor lasers Mariangela Gioannini Polito di Torino, Italy Modelling self-generation of optical frequency combs in quantum dot lasers
Sze Chun Chan
Martin Hoffmann
Oliver Graydon Gian Luca LIPPIInstitut de Physique de Nice, FranceThreshold dynamics in small lasers : modelling issues, experimental observations and dynamical laser classes Marek OSINSKIUniversity of New Mexico, USADigital pulse modulation of strongly injection-locked whistle-geometry ring lasers Jérôme Faist Quantum cascade laser frequency comb: control of the phases and dual comb applications.